Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Calvin is six weeks old!  Time is flying by too fast.  He is growing out of his newborn size clothes and diapers and is starting to wear 0 to 3 months.  He is likely pushing 8 pounds and 20+ inches.  His eyes are turning more blue and he is awake a little more but still likes to sleep A LOT!  He has started smiling a bit and lots of smirking.  Calvin sleeps a 4 hour stretch at night or on a great night 5!  He is a squeaker and a squealer.  He had to move into his own crib in his own room across the hall because he was too noisy and keeping his parents awake with his noises!  Calvin does not like a bath, but doesn't mind being in the shower!
 Cal loves to sleep in his rocker.
 Copy cat.
 Uncle Shawn and Uncle Rory come home from CO to meet Calvin!
 Favorite pacie is the dog Wubba Nubba
 Enjoying standing up, clearly.
 Fisher Cats Game, not hard to get seats...
 1 out 3 looking at the camera is about the best we can do at this point...
 Grampa turns 60 the same month Calvin is born!
 Calvin at the Franklin Park Zoo taking in the play area and then the animals...subconsciously.
 Calvin tries out his play mat with Lincoln.
 Daddy & Cal.
 Cousins lake day in Meredith!
 Town Docks for lunch after seeing the animals at Squam Lake Science Center.
 Cal tries out Finn's Momma Roo, he's into it!
 Hannah gets Cal ready for football season! 
 His guard dog Maggie...
 Calvin's great great Aunt Eileen (97 and a half at this photo)
 Cal and Grampa!
 Nannie and Poppa with the grandsons!
 First real family picture outside the hospital
 At the camp with Grammie and Abbie
 Snuggles with Auntie Kerrie
 and Meg!
 3 Pelletier boys! (Uncle Jeff)
 Grammie and her youngest grandchild
 Almost the whole crew ( missing Ash and Hayley) at the lake for Gavin's 5th birthday!
Michael and Cal!