Sunday, June 21, 2015

On June 7th at 1:47pm Calvin Joseph was born at the Elliot Hospital in Manchester NH.  He was 5 pounds 2 ounces at birth and 18.5 inches long.  He has lots of very blonde hair!  His delivery doctor was Dr. Wasserman (same as his big brother Lincoln).   His labor was about 5 hours total , 3 at the hospital and 20 minutes of pushing, he was much faster!  He had lots of visitors come to meet him at the hospital and then even more at home.  He came home 2 days later at 4 pounds 14 ounces after he passed his car seat test ( sitting safely for 90 minutes).  He has been a great  eater (up 15 ounces in 6 days at home) and sleeper.  He typically wakes Mommy up twice a night.  He does not like diaper changes or baths.  He is starting to take a pacie and has already had a bottle when Auntie Kristen babysat him for Mommy and Daddy to go to a wedding.  He is a sweet boy and loves to snuggle.  He smirks in his sleep a lot!
 About two hours old, moving to the Maternity suite from the Labor and Delivery room.
 Daddy gets to ring the lullaby bell to signal we had a baby!  Then he has to go home and shave!!
 Lincoln come to see Cal right away and likes to hold him and kiss him!
 A few minutes after birth.  Opening his eyes and seeing Dad.
 Two days old and on his way home after he passed his car seat test!
 First night home with his family!
 Big brother and little brother, look SO much alike!
 Relaxing in his rocker.
 Visiting with Uncle Jeff.
 Getting bigger, face is filling out!
 Cal likes to be swaddled :)
 Sneak peak at his newborn photo shoot by Stacey, he was 5 days old.
 Wide awake!
 Looks just like Lincoln in this picture!
 At Gavin's t-ball game, meeting Jen.
 This is what happens with Auntie Kristen & Uncle Andy babysit !  Baby in a bowl!
 His number one baby sitter Abbie!
 Two boys!
 Grammie was waiting to meet you!
 Grammie & Auntie Kristen, Cal is less than an hour old.
 Baby burrito!
 Poppa's third grandson!
 Visit from Uncle Kevin!
 First bath at the hospital, not sure if he likes it...
 Oh wait, he does.  
 Finn and Lincoln get to meet Cal and see how tiny his feet are!
 And Uncle Pat came...
 And Great Aunt Eileen came...
 And Grampa Jay!
 Abbie and Gavin came to visit at the hospital,  Abbie wanted to hold Calvin the whole time!
 Auntie Janet came!

 Almost 2 weeks old now, look how big!
Day 13 : Umbilical cord fell out, bath time at last!