Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Calvin is almost 3!  Sorry for the lack of posting.  Calvin is a very smart boy.  He can count to 20, he knows all his colors, animals and shapes.  He is obsessed with baseball, hockey, Mickey, Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig.  He has a special green and yellow blanket he loves to cart around.  He has been fully potty trained for a year!  He is stubborn, persistent and specific!  He has an imaginary coach and baseball team.  His pretend coach is named Lincoln P ( not the Lincoln P he lives with though...a different one).  He is hilarious and he knows it, he turns on his charm and loves to make people laugh.  He idolizes his brother and loves his cousins!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Calvin is 19 months!   He is running and climbing.  He is finally speaking!  He says versions of Mom, Dad, Lincoln, bath, trash, M&Ms, Maggie, home, bye and lunch.  He is very opinionated and persistent!  He has all his teeth and he likes to go on the potty.  He LOVES his brother and wants to do everything he does. His favorite foods are oatmeal, cereal bars, popcorn, goldfish, apples, yogurt, steak, peanut butter and pieces of cheese.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Calvin is 15 months!  He is walking everywhere!  He started to walk at 13.5 months.  He climbs everything and is very tough and fearless.  We find him climbing the fridge, the table, the stairs ....everything.  He loves switches and buttons and things that go on and off.  He is a big meat eater and still loves his carbs.  His favorite thing to do is.....drink water from any kind of cup or water bottle.  He's obsessed.  He doesn't talk but communicates very effectively by pointing and grunting and whining.  He loves his brother and brings him his shoes from the shoe basket all the time.  He whacks his forehead into your lips when you say 'kissy kissy'.  He is so much trouble and so much fun!

 Davis Farmland

 Meg & Cal at Nuttin But Good Times

Loving the lake!  Balch Lake

Silly Uncle Jeff

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Calvin is 1!  He is 19 pounds and has just broken in his third tooth!  He has a lot more personality in the last few months and knows what he wants and what he doesn't want!  He is finally sleeping mostly through the night, waking up around 5 for milk and then back to bed til 7.  He is a happy boy and LOVES his brother!  He yells for him "ying - yin!"

 Big cousin now!  Welcome baby Jack!
 Getting chauffeured by Matthew!

 Team boy!
 We thought he didn't like the cool water but this is actually his first bug bite :(
 Cousin Prom pic

 Sitting with Uncle Jeff at the Puritan on his actual birthday, ready to down some sugar!
 Beach man
 The real deal!

 With the graduate!
 Uncle Pat and Cal at North Hampton
Beach hats!